River - Years 2 & 3
Welcome to Class River where Miss Dawson, Mrs Harvey and Mrs Credland can be found with Year 2 and Year 3.
In the mornings we have English and Maths lessons where we enjoy using lots of different apparatus and techniques to improve our understanding and explore our topics. We also look forward to our Guided Reading lessons where we share different types of interesting books with our friends and teachers – aiming to meet our targets.
In the afternoons we enjoy a huge variety of learning opportunities. We are very sporty and like to keep fit and healthy, we also enjoy Art and DT projects where we plan and make our designs – not forgetting to evaluate them to help us next time! We are very eager to learn about the world around us and our RE lessons help us to look at others and think about ourselves.
We go on interesting trips and invite visitors into class to help us experience our learning in a different way.
In Class River we are great listeners and enjoy learning very much. As a class we are motivated to do our very best and create lots of great memories of school and learning with our friends.